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Region Choices

AWS Regions

Region Location Available Service Type
ap-northeast-1 Tokyo, Japan Provisioned
ap-northeast-2 Seoul, South Korea Provisioned
ap-southeast-1 Jurong West, Singapore Provisioned
ap-southeast-2 Sydney, Australia Provisioned
ca-central-1 Montréal, Québec, Canada Provisioned
eu-central-1 Frankfurt, Germany Provisioned
eu-north-1 Stockholm, Sweden Provisioned
eu-west-1 Dublin, Ireland Provisioned
eu-west-2 London, England, UK Provisioned, Serverless
eu-west-3 Paris, France Provisioned
sa-east-1 São Paulo, Brazil Provisioned
us-east-1 Northern Virginia, USA Provisioned
us-east-2 Ohio, USA Provisioned, Serverless
us-west-2 Oregon, USA Provisioned

GCP Regions

Region Location Available Service Type
asia-northeast1 Tokyo, Japan Provisioned
asia-south1 Mumbai, India Provisioned
asia-southeast1 Jurong West, Singapore Provisioned
asia-southeast2 Jakarta, Indonesia Provisioned
australia-southeast1 Sydney, Australia Provisioned
europe-north1 Hamina, Finland Provisioned
europe-west1 St. Ghislain, Belgium Provisioned
europe-west2 London, England, UK Provisioned , Serverless
europe-west3 Frankfurt, Germany Provisioned
europe-west4 Eemshaven, Netherlands Provisioned
europe-west9 Paris, France Provisioned
northamerica-northeast1 Montréal, Québec, Canada Provisioned
us-central1 Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA Provisioned, Serverless
gcp-us-east1 Moncks Corner, South Carolina, USA Provisioned
us-east4 Ashburn (Loudoun County), Virginia, USA Provisioned
us-west1 The Dalles, Oregon, USA Provisioned
us-west2 Los Angeles, California, USA Provisioned
us-west4 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Provisioned

Azure Regions

Region Location Available Service Type
eastus Richmond, Virginia, USA Provisioned, Serverless
eastus2 Virginia, USA Provisioned
westus2 Seattle, Washington, USA Provisioned
uksouth London, England, UK Provisioned
francecentral Paris, France Provisioned
northeurope Dublin, Ireland Provisioned, Serverless
germanywestcentral Frankfurt, Germany Provisioned
southeastasia Jurong West, Singapore Provisioned

Please contact us if any aspect of service does not align to your intended use case.